What is Korea Philanthropy Accrediting Bureau (KPAB)?
Korea Philanthropy Accrediting Bureau (KPAB) is a recognized higher education accreditation organization in South Korea specializing in the institutional accreditation of private, postsecondary institutions that offer allied philanthropy education programs, and the programmatic accreditation of programs.
KPAB Concentrated Areas
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If you are a family that is very thoughtful and careful about the world around, you might want to pass the Brilliant-Family Accreditation. There are several positive outcomes able to brighten up daily life incredibly.
First of all your achievements and positive contribution towards society must be valued.
On the other hand, having your kindness awarded can strongly help when enrolling children into schools or educational institutions.
In sum, all people respond back to kindness kindly. Following Accreditation allows you not only enjoy the outcomes of your good deeds, but as well stimulates the society for proper actions.
Fundraiser-in-Training (F-I-T)
Are you the one who contributes in society or takes time to participate in charity activities? Or maybe you have to obtain valuable certificates to get a job. In both cases you can find the very positive change in this area.
Findraiser-in-Training (F-I-T) is a certificate for intermediate philanthropy executives. It has competitive requirements to be obtained and allows the holder to initiate random activities, projects or take a part in different events as getting a jobs.
It is the perfect way to improve personal qualification to spend a better life or improve the current one.
Certified Development Professional (CDP)
Certified Development Professional (CDP) - a certificate for people who invest most of their time in fundraising, philanthropy activities. An individual obtaining the following status must be able to freely understand random concepts of philanthropy and the way it can be applied to the practical life. Following certificate is very competitive to achieve, while at the same time very helpful in life.